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Playlist Exporter

Spotify Playlist Exporter

Convert your playlists into spreadsheets

Get Started

(for free)

Turn your Spotify playlists into an Excel file

How does it work?

  1. Login with your Spotify account
  2. Select your favorite playlist
  3. Hit "Export"!

You're done!


Yes, that's me!

Hey! I'm Clément, maker of Playlist Exporter. I'm a fullstack software engineer and I create websites, tools and apps, just like this one.

I'm old-fashioned. I record my playlists to tape cassettes, and then I like to have the tracklist printed on the back. So I was looking for a simple way to transfer my Spotify playlists in order to print them, but couldn't find a satisfying app. is my solution to this problem!

Any question? Contact me at